
Category: Blog

How to blog boosting e-commerce website traffic growth

Being successful in eCommerce requires one to have an effective documented blog strategy. The blog strategy allows one to improve successfully, measure, increase the audience. More than 65% of successful content marketers apply a documented blog strategy in their marketing institutions. Documented blog strategy is always significant in boosting the eCommerce website traffic growth. Therefore, if one needs to grow their eCommerce website, they should consider having an effective content strategy. A good content strategy will consist of the following;

Brand name, target audience, natural and good content, plan how to distribute, KPIs, tools, and technology. These will determine a person’s success in eCommerce blogging since documented blog strategy allows one to check on their weaknesses. Hence improving their products, thus increasing the audience.

Blogging is essential and valuable since the marketers who use it earn better than those who don’t prioritize using it. It is always important to consider how one generates their links and the traffic growth. Researching the best traffic, such as proofwearable, is essential to acquire ideas to make one’s blog more interesting.

blog boosting e-commerce website traffic growth

Strategies to blog boost eCommerce

Various strategies ensure that eCommerce blogging website traffic growth is enhanced. The plans are essential in improving blog traffic. The techniques include the following;

The first traffic strategy is kindle selecting a 90-day traffic plan. Publishing a Kindle book enables one to choose their text within Kindle Direct Publish Program. It ensures that the book is exclusive in the kindle store for 90 days. It also includes the kindle owners lending library that allows the target audience to follow the book for free. The owner can also run a promotion of the paid e-book for a few days within the 90 days. Running a promotion will attract more audiences, ensuring that traffic growth is maintained. Driving traffic on the blog is mainly done through; linking it directly to the website within the book and using a free giveaway. A free book will attract more visitors to the blog within a few days.

The second traffic strategy is applying twisted guest blogging. It is an effective strategy that ensures that one increases traffic on the landing page hence building one’s list. It is crucial to consider the following tips while improving the number of audiences: one, research on blogs that have social influence. Second, check the sites that rank at the top. Third, write a pitch. The strategy will ensure that guest blogging is enhanced such that organic traffic and social shares ensure the elite email list is generated.

The third traffic strategy is ensuring a long tail keyword domination. In the spreadsheet created and within the first column, add URL, while in the other, add the …

What Are Your Intentions?

Do you ever wonder what people’s intentions are, based on their actions? What about businesses and their intentions?

What Are Your Intentions

Photo used under a Creative Commons license.


Intentions of Businesses

I have been thinking about how businesses approach their audience or potential audience. How they communicate with their clients, prospective clients, referral partners or vendors. Do they approach these activities with the intention of selling something? Do they approach the interactions with the intention of building a network or as my friend Sarah Robinson would say, building a “Fiercely Loyal Community?” I believe sadly that too many businesses pay lip service to building a community and building relationships, but at the core of their actions, they only want to sell something. The business does not develop and incorporate a strategic plan that integrates marketing with their business plan. The prevailing thought is, by doing certain things such as building a website, sending an occasional marketing email, going to trade-shows or networking events, having a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a YouTube channel, etc., will lead to increased sales. Will it? Maybe. Is it guaranteed? NO! Nothing is guaranteed in marketing, social media or business! BUT what I can promise you is this: if a business only enters marketing, social media or any other business activity with the sole purpose of selling something, the public WILL catch on and will eventually stop responding. The public may respond initially, but that will soon pass. To me, it’s like a company that offers a sales incenctive to their sales people. The incentive will only work for so long! Contests will only work so many times!

Why is This So Hard?

Why do businesses have such a hard time with this? For a few reasons: One, business owners stay too busy working in their business but not working on their business. The original business plan, if there was one, doesn’t receive regular thought, review or updates. Plus, it seems that business owners still do not implement strategic planning into their business or into integrating a marketing mindset as part of that business plan.

I also think we have advertising and marketing sales people to blame. Sorry ladies and gentleman, but for too many years these professionals have pushed the results of advertising in this magazine or on this site or on this radio station as a method to drive sales! Every option, every single advertising, marketing or PR action has been driven by sales. Think furniture stores and automotive dealerships. Everything is about driving sales. I get it, you have to sell something to keep the lights on and pay employees. We all know that. BUT we don’t have to drive it down people’s throats!! …

It’s About Time

Several years ago, a business owner and sales manager uttered these words that have resonated with me throughout my life: ” I can give you all of the training and tools you need to succeed, but I cannot give you more time.”

It’s About Time

Image used under Creative Common License

When you stop and think about it, that may be one of the truest statements ever spoken because we can never give ourselves more time. I chuckle when I read or hear advertisements that claim, “we can save you time.” Really? How do you actually save time? Do you have a special box that you put time in so that I can use it later? Of course not, we can’t save time; we can only make better use of the time we are given.

No matter what your religious beliefs or affiliations, most people will agree on this; there are no guarantees on time; what we have, all that we are promised is the moment we are in right now; not tomorrow, not next year, but now.

As you approach your life and business goals for 2013, think about time. Think about the fact that our time on this planet is limited and we have no guarantee’s. Make the most of your time each day. How do we do this? Here are five tips for making the most of your time:

  1. Stop meeting for the sake of meeting. If you are in sales or an entrepreneur, you know what an hour of your time is worth; so stop giving it away. If your meeting has a purpose and is essential, great; if not then why are you meeting?
  2. Value your own time as you plan your day, or your week. Be honest how much time you need to devote to each task or each project.
  3. Scale back on social media platforms. Do you truly need to be on every single social platform for yourself or your business? Evaluate and determine which platform makes the most sense for your goals or your busienss.
  4. Delegate and outsource. Use a community manager for your social marketing and/or a virtual assistant for tasks that are stealing your time.
  5. Say No! Just say no to coffee with friends, to things that waste your time, and to people that”just want to pick your brain!” It’s okay to say no!

Need further proof? Read this post by Suzie Poirier, owner of Ace Concierge: Your Income is Limited by Your Time.

It’s About Time. Your Time; use it wisely!…

Own and Protect Your Content!

Other than the devastating news out of Oklahoma, the digital world is buzzing this week over the news that Yahoo has purchased blogging site Tumblr for $1.1 billion. Or as some are now referring to it: Yumblr. It is too early in this process to know what plans Yahoo has for Tumblr, but one thing is for sure: Tumblr will change. Tumblr subscribers will either embrace the changes or they will leave. In droves.

Protect Your Content
Image Courtesy of Slate

In March 2012, the headline was Twitter Buys Posterous. Many people speculated that Posterous would stay around; that Twitter only wanted the owners/management team but would leave the product alone. Alas, that was not the case. Posterous shut down May 31, 2013.

Tumblr and Posterous offered users a simple to use and user friendly blogging format. Something that the novice or casual blogger could use, customize the look and feel and create what they wanted without all of the “heavy-lifting” involved with a self-hosted website or blog. Sounds easy, right? Well, as with all things in life that sound too good to be true, sometimes free and easy is not the best solution.

What is one thing that the former Posterous and the “future unknown” Tumblr have in common? The users DO NOT own their content!! If you didn’t download a backup of your data from Posterous, it is gone. Forever. Will that happen with Tumblr? Who knows. Yahoo may keep it up and running and not change the platform at all. They may start charging for it or they could fill it up with ad space to offset the Billion Dollar purchase price.

The bottom line is this; you must own your content and protect it. Work with professionals to develop and host your website and blog. These are your thoughts, ideas and professional work. Own it. Protect it. Value it just like you do financials for your company. If you need suggestions on who to work with to build your site, contact me.

Now, if you are saying in your mind; “but John, what if I publish something and someone steals it?” Well, my first suggestion is you go after them! But before you even think about that, I STRONGLY encourage you, suggest, will drive to your house and twist your arm to read Erika Napoletano’s suggestions. I consume most everything Erika writes and last week was no exception. It came to Erika’s attention that someone was, in her words, “ripping her off!” She published two phenomenal blogs on her experience: If You’re Going to Rip Me Off, At Least Be Creative About It and On Stealing Shit. Check her blogs out, determine a plan to deal with it if …

STOP the Social Media Insanity!

Do you remember the Stop the Insanity weight loss program from Susan Powter? In the 90’s, you couldn’t turn on television without hearing her infomercial with that famous catch phrase, “Stop the Insanity!”


Do you ever feel the need to scream, STOP the Social Media Insanity? Websites, Blogs, RSS feeds, Emails, Email newsletters, Facbook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ Instagram, Vine, Pinterest, FourSquare, Yelp, and on, and on, and on! Do you get overwhelmed as you try to keep up with reading information, posting or joining various social platforms for yourself or your business? If so, I have a few suggestions that may help you stop your own insanity.

Tips for dealing with social media insanity:

Take a deep breath and decide which platform(s) are right for you!

No one can be everywhere or be on every single social platform. There are too many platforms and cloning isn’t perfected, so if you try to do them all, you will burnout. Quickly. Approach social media just as you do any decision for you or your business; how does this serve me or my clients/customers. If your niche market or demographic hangs out on Facebook, then spend time building your following or Facebook Business Page. If your prospects spend time on Twitter, then build your Twitter brand. If email newsletters work for your business, produce the best newsletter possible! If you want better search results and enjoy the platform, spend time building your circles on Google+. Remember, no social platform, no matter how good it is, should take the place of your own website. Spend the time to get your site right and use these social outposts to drive traffic to your site.

Develop a schedule and stick to it!

One of the best pieces of advice I have for individuals and businesses is this: develop a schedule. Use a legal pad, an online calendar or create an editorial/social media calendar and stick to it! This will save you hours of frustration and make it much easier to develop or produce content. It’s more calming to know you what you need to write about or post for the next week or month than getting up everyday and trying to decide. Voice of experience talking here, so listen! My dear friend Julia Rosien published an exceptional post about this on her Social North site: Editorial Calendar – Social Media Strategy Must Do.

Evaluate, update and move on!

Maybe you have had a presence on Facebook since it was The Facebook. Does that outpost still align with your personal or professional goals? If not, then move on. I think far too often we get used to being on these platforms but forget to regularly evaluate whether …